| 1. | Opposition to the trade deal is multi - faceted 反对协定的声音分为很多种。 |
| 2. | Trade deals are often concluded at the eleventh hour 贸易协定谈判通常行百里者半九十。 |
| 3. | Meanwhile , special congressional ' fast - track ' authority in the u . s . to approve a trade deal expires at the end of june 与此同时,美国国会的“快车道”授权批准的贸易协定将在6月底实效。 |
| 4. | On his trip , bush will be accelerating this process by advancing new bilateral - trade deals from australia to thailand 布什在从澳大利亚到泰国的行程中推行的促进双边贸易合作的努力将会加速此进程。 |
| 5. | But he added that the key goal remains reaching a global trade deal in ongoing talks sponsored by the world trade organization 但他补充道,关键的目标仍然是在世贸组织发起的对话框中努力达成全球贸易协定。 |
| 6. | This week it said it would push for labour standards to be part of bilateral trade deals with asian countries , such as india and south korea 本周,欧洲委员会说将会争取把劳工标准纳入到与印度、韩国等亚洲国家的双边贸易中去。 |
| 7. | But the bucks vow they did not pick yi on thursday just to make a trade deal even as a standoff appears set with yi ' s representatives 但是雄鹿信誓旦旦的说,即使他的经纪人也对他们的选择很冷淡,他们选中了易建联就不会交易他。 |
| 8. | The sonics ' rashard lewis would make the most sense for the celtics , but he opted out of his contract and would have to be obtained in a sign - and - trade deal 该队全明星球员拉沙德刘易斯将是交易中心,但他选择了跳出合同选项并希望得到一个先签后换的交易。 |
| 9. | U . s . president bush has special powers to negotiate a trade deal . but those so - called " fast track " powers expire june 30 unless congress extends them 美国布什总统被赋予特权开展贸易谈判,然而,所谓的“快车道”授权会在6月30号到期,除非国会批准将快车道法延期。 |